Aug 05, 2016

I want to take the opportunity to talk about the importance water in the diet with the sweltering temperatures here in South Carolina these days!  

Water is one of the most essential nutrients in our diet.  Our bodies are made up with more than 60% water.  Did you know that our bodies cannot go for longer than 1 week without water to survive?  This is because our organs need water to function properly.  

Functions of Water in the Body:

  • To help our bodies with maintaining temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure
  • Lubricate joints
  • Transport nutrients
  • Maintain healthy metabolism
  • water-and-the-human-bodyMoistens eyes, nose, mouth, and skin
  • Improves digestion
  • Removes waste through urine and bowel movements

 How Much Fluid Do We Need Daily?

Adult fluid requirements are based on total body weight.   As your body weight decreases, it is likely that your fluid requirements will decrease as well.  There can be an increase in fluid needs with a fever, excess sweating, or diarrhea.  On the other hand, a decrease in fluid needs takes place for those with renal disease, heart failure, excess swelling, or ascites (side effect of liver disease).

For patients after bariatric surgery, I typically recommend “at least” 64 oz of fluid per day, unless specified differently by a physician.  Plain or naturally flavored ( water should make up over half of your fluid intake daily.  Naturally flavored water is when you add a slice of fruit, vegetable, and/or herb to the water for flavor.  Also, you can choose other beverages that are less than or equal to 10 calories per serving without carbonation to help add variety.  These include unsweetened decaf tea, sugar-free lemonade, Vitamin Water Zero, and more.    
Small sips between meals consistently throughout the day can help with increasing fluid intake.  For convenience, try to keep your water with you in your car, purse, in the office, running errands, etc... 

For questions, contact Farrah Wigand, RD, LD, at 803-936-7600 ext. 4755.  

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