Do I really need to go to all my bariatric follow up appointments?

Mar 18, 2019

YES! Your anatomy has changed; therefore your medical and nutritional needs have changed.

Long-term follow up with your bariatric team requires attention to several aspects of care.


  • Make sure you are adjusting to your procedure.
  • Assess your nutrition intake to safely maximize weight loss and prevent  weight gain.
  • Discuss weight loss progress.
  • Evaluate potential complications resulting from improper behavior or from surgical  complications.
  • Monitor status of your comorbidities.
  • Adjust medications, if needed.
  • Check laboratory values.
  • Answer any questions or concerns you may have.
  • The follow-up visits may be with the surgeon, a physician assistant, a nurse practitioner, and the dietitian.
  • It is important that you follow this long term care so that any problems or concerns that develop over time can be addressed by your team.
  • The team is here to educate, guide, support, and motivate you continuously, so you can achieve a healthy weight after surgery.

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