"I'm Not Losing Fast Enough!"

Aug 08, 2024

As a Bariatric Dietitian one of the saddest things I hear is peoples’ discontentment with their weight loss because of comparison to something they have seen or read on-line.  Remember there can be a lot of inflammatory information shared on websites, in chat rooms and even from acquaintances.  Long-term weight loss and changing your lifestyle is a marathon not a quick sprint to be won.

Weight loss rates will vary after bariatric surgery.  Some folks will lose rapidly, others can lose in a stairstep pattern, and still others will lose slowly and steadily.  Weight loss will depend on the type of surgery you have, as well as an individual’s age, muscle mass, ability to exercise (and actually exercising), and also their medical conditions.

Is your weight loss a bit slower?  Then examine your bariatric nutrition basics:  Are you drinking 64+ oz of sugar-free fluid per day, keeping your protein intake to at least 60-70 grams of protein per day and do you do cardio and strength exercise at least 4 times per week?

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