Day light savings ends on Sunday November 6, and we are all aware of how it can impact our wellbeing. “In fact, studies indicate that depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts seem to rise around time change. Although Daylight saving time does not cause mental health problems, it can worsen them. As we get less sunlight, our serotonin and melatonin levels drop, which lead to feelings of apathy and depression.
What does this mean for you?
You can start by preparing for the time change, mentally and physically. Different challenges can appear when it gets dark earlier. It can shift our entire routines such as mealtimes, eating habits, intensify cravings, decrease our motivation for physical exercise, etc. Being aware of how the time change affects you personally can help prepare you for the “want to go into hibernation”. Identify abnormal habits and cravings as the come up and stop them in their tracks.