Spice it up!

Feb 08, 2018


It’s cold outside but that doesn’t mean we can’t warm up in the kitchen and spice things up with our cooking! Below is a spice blend recipe and ideas for spices to use every day with different foods.


Spice Blend Recipe (makes about ⅓ cup)

5 teaspoons onion powder

2½ teaspoons garlic powder

2½ teaspoons paprika

2½ teaspoon dry mustard

1½ teaspoon crushed thyme leaves

½ teaspoon white pepper

¼ teaspoon celery seed

Food Item Flavorings

Vegetables:  Basil, dill, garlic or garlic powder, ginger, lemon juice, mace, marjoram, nutmeg, onion or onion powder, tarragon, tomato, sugar or sugar substitute, salt-free salad dressing, vinegar

Beef: Basil, bay leaf, caraway, curry, dill, dry mustard, garlic, grape jelly, green pepper, mace, marjoram, mushrooms(fresh), nutmeg, onion or onion powder, parsley, pepper, rosemary, sage

Chicken : Basil, cloves, cranberries, mace, mushrooms (fresh), nutmeg, oregano, paprika, parsley, pineapple, saffron, sage, savory, tarragon, thyme, tomato, turmeric

Egg: Chervil, curry, dill, dry mustard, garlic or garlic powder, green pepper, jelly, mushrooms (fresh), nutmeg, onion powder, paprika, parsley, rosemary, tarragon, tomato

Fish: Basil, bay leaf, chervil, curry, dill, dry mustard, green pepper, lemon juice, marjoram, mushrooms (fresh), paprika, pepper, tarragon, tomato, turmeric

Lamb: Cloves, curry, dill, garlic or garlic powder, mace, mint, mint jelly, onion, oregano, parsley, pineapple, rosemary, tarragon, thyme

Pork: Applesauce, basil, caraway, chives, cloves, garlic or garlic powder, onion or onion powder, rosemary, thyme

Veal: Apricots, basil, bay leaf, currant jelly, curry, ginger, marjoram, mushrooms (fresh), oregano, paprika

Desserts: Allspice, anise, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, mace, nutmeg, vanilla extract, other extracts

What tips do you have? Share those or questions with me at dahoerner@lexhealth.org



“Sodium Free Flavoring Tips” Copyright Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


Questions?  Email me at: Debbie Hoerner

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