
Oct 04, 2021


Resilience – the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, toughness.

Over many years of working with bariatric patients, I have seen that resilience is an essential characteristic.  Life has its share of ups and downs, joys and sufferings.  All these life events can affect your eating and exercise habits.  How quickly you get “back on track’ can make all the difference in long-term weight loss maintenance.  For example, you enjoy a long-needed vacation, eating out frequently, trying foods you don’t normally eat, relaxing more.  You may find you come back a few pounds heavier.  How quickly do you get back to the basics, drinking 64 oz of primarily water, eating 60-70 grams of protein, avoiding snacking and get back to your regular exercise?

Perhaps your family has suffered a loss through this terrible Covid season.  You are grieving, family and friends bring over casseroles and sweets.  Of course, you should grieve your loss and get help emotionally, physically and spiritually so to not sabotage your weight loss goals. 

How resilient are you?  How can we help you maintain success through life’s challenges and happy celebrations?  Are you tough “recovering quickly from difficulties? 

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