Setting a goal

Dec 16, 2019

Goal setting can help people transform their thoughts into behavior. This is why goal setting is vital in successful weight loss and can be the difference between achievement and disappointment. However, it is important you set realistic goals and then develop a plan for change. If someone has unrealistic, overly aggressive goals, they are more likely to loss motivation and fall back into unhealthy habits. Individuals with out of reach weight loss goals are prone to feel frustrated and disappointed, which decreases the likelihood they will maintain a healthy diet/exercise routine. There are several important tips to keep in mind when setting realistic weight loss goals.


  1. Resolve to lose weight slowly: Weight loss is a process. It does not happen over night.
  2. Clarify your goals: Identify why you want to lose weight. Think about the advantages to weight loss.
  3. Set short term goals: Don’t overwhelm yourself with losing a large amount of weight, but instead identify a smaller amount of weight and focus on that number (ex. 5 lbs).
  4. Track your progress: hold yourself accountable. Use online resources or journals to help you track.  Remember it’s okay if you make a mistake. Tomorrow is a new day!
  5. Identify unhealthy habits you want to eliminate: Write a list of habits you want to eliminate. Think about what foods/behaviors you want to decrease. Slowly began making change. Remember if you make a lot of changes quickly you are more likely to feel overwhelmed.
  6. Identity healthy habits you want to create: Replace the unhealthy habits with healthy ones. For example, instead of watching TV go for a walk or replace soda with water.  Repetition is helpful when developing new habits. The more you do it, the more likely it is to become a habit.
  7. Use your support systems. Ask for help!
  8. Remember to forgive yourself and get back on track. Blaming yourself or feeling badly about your lack of willpower may only make you want to give up completely. Don’t forget all your accomplishments!


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